Electronic Tattoos

The video about electronic tattoos is not very educational and it is a waste of time. Is it possible that the future generations can see what we post and judge on that, yes, but I think that when the future generation comes to this world, they wouldn’t care. Kids today don’t really care or understand what happen back then before the 2000s. In the future years, I believe that there will no such things as paper or “real” books with paper. Our generation is more online and will move forward online as years to come. Also, the quote from Andy Warhol saying that “In the future everybody will be world-famous for fifteen minutes” is not the best quote because I doubt that a little 10 month year old baby from South Africa will be world-famous for 15 minutes. With electronic tattoos, I don’t believe that we will die because of our electronic tattoos are different. Electronic tattoos are Juan way of saying be careful of what you post because it will still like that your entire life. Should people be scared of what your future kids or great-great grand kids look at? No. your great grand kids will see that you were also young and reckless which had to do with your post at a younger age. However, it would be the grandkids job to learn about your mistakes to they can live a better life than you did. That is why we have parents or grandparents to explain what they did when they were young and you should listen to them and learn from them wise. Overall, learn from your mistakes and I doubt that the “electronic tattoos” will affect the future generation and they will learn from you.